Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hot off the Press; Draft; Hopefully Enjoy

Iguana Dreams

I have never seen God, the wind or
an iguana sunbathe in the crook of a tree.

Before coming to the United States, Miguel
shot an iguana while riding a jeep with his friends.

I think iguanas might be equivalent to squirrels.

An iguana is a cold blooded
reptile. She spends her time
divided between sun and shade.
We are all in search of balance.

Iguana meat can be broiled, sautéed
or fried. Miguel said he made iguana
stew, then promptly got ill. Something
about temperature and the unforeseen.

The main cause of immigration is economic
with a blended desire to educate one’s children.
Miguel said there were eggs inside.

Where the scars rise on my right ear, I dreamed of placing an iguana tattoo.

Iguana power. Iguana dreams. Green scales
glisten when wet. Those are in the Galapagos.
In Nicaragua, scales twist olive brown.

Both squirrels and iguanas have sharp claws and climb trees.

Somewhere in Texas or Arizona,
there might be one lone tree, a grand
old crotchety oak, with an iguana
in one limb and a squirrel in another.

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